Kings College (Kangaroo Point)

Kings College (Kangaroo Point)

Name: Kings College (Kangaroo Point)

Group: Institutional Location

Type: University Residential College

Years at Location: 1912-1954

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Kings College was founded by the Methodist Church of Australasia in 1913. It was created as a university residential college for the new university in an adaption from the Oxbridge model. Only a small amount of axillary tutorials occurred in the Australian residential college system, and true college system existed with the housing of a theological centre. In the case of xxx, it was the Methodist Theological College. Its first Master was the philosopher Michael Scott Fletcher (1913-1915).

The College’s two most distinguished Masters were Rev. Professor Hubert Trigge (1924-1959) and Rev. Dr. Ian Grimmett (1960-1986). Grimmett began his studies at Union Theological Seminary, New York City, and completed a Master of Theology degree and Doctor of Theology degree by 1956. He brought to Kings College, the education from his teachers, Reinhold Niebuhr, John Bennett, David Roberts, Wilhelm Pauck, Paul Tillich, and Mary Ely Lyman.


Unnamed. The Annals of King’s College, affiliated with the University of Queensland: Silver Jubilee 1913-1938, The College, Brisbane, 1938.

Faragher, Trevor. Men and Masters: a Centenary History of King’s College within the University of Queensland, King’s College St Lucia Qld, 2012.

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