Stage Number: MBSH.04.01.11
Group: Eastern & Bay
Local Study Area: Hemmant-Lytton-Port of Brisbane
Epoch: Late 19th Century
Street Address: Lytton Hill, Lytton
Latitude & Longitude: -27.41711111,153.16469444
Time Link: 1861
Map Link: TBA
Image Time Point: TBA
A village and pilot station were established at the mouth of Brisbane River in 1859, and two years later a road to the strategically-important site of Lytton was gazetted. A telegraph line from Brisbane to the Lytton Customs Station was installed during 1860-61 to communicate shipping intelligence and meteorological observations from Moreton Bay, with a Telegraph Office opening in June 1861. This office also functioned as a Post Office from 29 April 1876, until 1908. The telegraph was extended from Lytton to Dunwich on Stradbroke Island and north to Cape Moreton on Moreton Island in 1864. The Telegraph Line was extended from the Customs Station to the top of Signal Hill in the early 1870s. A Telegraph Station and residence was then built on the top of Signal Hill.
National Archives of Australia, ‘Post office history file – Fort Lytton’, NAA: J3111, FORT LYTTON.
Lytton Post and Telegraph Office, c.1883. National Archives of Australia. J3085, LYTTON.
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