Stage Number: MBSH.03.01.18
Group: Southern
Local Study Area: West End-South Brisbane-North Woolloongabba
Epoch: Early 20th Century
Street Address: 32A Clarence St. South Brisbane
Latitude & Longitude: -27.48618889,153.02655833
Time Link: 1910
Map Link: 1925
Image Time Point: 1925
Built 1909-10, the architect was Robin Dods. The Catholic Sisters of Mercy nuns purchased this 10 acres in 1893 but ran a smaller, North Quay Mater Hospital from 1909. Mater Misericordiae (private) Hospital opened here on 14 August 1910. The Mater Public Hospital opened in 1911. Nurses training began in 1912. From 1980s, this precinct expanded and consumed many Wooloongabba shops, along Stanley Street.
To be Updated
QSA. QSA Series ID 2043 City of Brisbane and Suburbs Maps – A1A Series. 40 feet to the inch. City of South Brisbane, County of Stanley. 40 feet to one inch. Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board, Brisbane.. 634576