Moorooka Lutheran Church

Moorooka Lutheran Church

Stage Number: MBSH.02.05.17

Group: Southern

Local Study Area: Moorooka-Tarragindi

Epoch: Late 20th Century

Street Address: 14 Sherley Street, Moorooka

Latitude & Longitude: -27.53542222,153.02463333

Time Link: 1949

Map Link: 1951

Image Time Point: 1951

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The Moorooka Lutheran Church building was dedicated on 20 November 1949 after being designed and constructed by congregation member Les Pinnow. Lutheran congregations formed in Brisbane from German and Scandinavian migrants, where Lutheranism operated in the home country as a ‘state religion’ as Anglicanism in British empire. Like Anglicanism, congregations were dispersed in a broad church movement with Liberal and Evangelical factions. In Australia, however, Lutheran congregations were associated with smaller Protestant denominations, and were part of the ecumentical endeavours in the Queensland Council of Churches. As building supplies were in short supply at the end of World War II, the Moorooka church was built through the re-use of materials from military huts and galvanised iron from the Ekibin Hospital. The building was used by the Lutheran church for worship until it was closed in 1982 and since 1984 has operated as a child care centre.


Lutheran Church (former). Brisbane City Council Heritage Register.

Image Citations

Lutheran Church (former). Brisbane City Council Heritage Registrar.

Map References

Qimagery. Greater Brisbane Area 1951. Scale: 1:16,000