Stage Number: MBSH.03.09.04
Group: Southern
Local Study Area: Mount Gravatt-Mount Gravatt East
Epoch: Early 20th Century
Street Address: 1644 Logan Rd. Mt Gravatt
Latitude & Longitude: -27.54370833,153.08303889
Time Link: 1915
Map Link: 1910
Image Time Point: 1910
Opened 1918. Mount Gravatt Agricultural, Horticultural and Industrial Society and Progress Association began running an annual show in 1915, on leased land. It purchased this site for a showgrounds in 1918. It ran an annual district show, as a contrast to the EKKA, as did Brookfield, Runcorn and Zillmere. The show has run each year, except during World War II, when the showgrounds were leased to the Australian army for temporary storage and accommodation use. The Show Association also lobbied for improvements such as the extension of the tramline from Holland Park to Mt Gravatt. The Show increased in popularity, with the opening of Mt Gravatt housing estates in the 1950s and 1960s. In the 1970s, the Brisbane City Council tried to close the showgrounds to sell the site for a Myers shopping centre. All of the buildings were demolished. A lengthy, bitter legal battle between the community and the B.C.C saved the showgrounds in 1988, after state intervention. Replacement buildings came from Evans Deakin draftman’s office (Rocklea), Cannon Hill Saleyards stock and station agents’ office (now Memorial Hall), etc. Only the Show Ring remains from the 1918 site.
Mt Gravatt A.H. and I. Society, Mt Gravatt Show – SHOW HISTORY, (2015)
SLQ. James, H. T., and Gordon Gotch Limited. Map of Brisbane and Suburbs [delineated By] H.T. James. Brisbane]: Gordon & Gotch (Australasia), 1910. 21124880960002061