Stage Number: MBNH.11.04.10
Group: Northern
Local Study Area: Boondall-Nudgee-Banyo-Northgate-Virginia
Epoch: Early 20th Century
Street Address: 183 Gympie St, Northgate
Latitude & Longitude: -27.39119444,153.06791667
Time Link: 1928
Map Link: 1929
Image Time Point: 1929
Northgate Masonic Lodge was built in 1928. Post-WWI housing estates around Toombul and Nudgee Roads led to a rise in this suburb’s population. A Masonic Lodge was formed, in Northgate, in 1922, with 69 founding members. The Lodge would meet in the Northgate School of Arts in Ridge Street. This two-storied, Masonic Hall/Temple was constructed six years later, on a hillside site in Gympie Street, closer to the railway station. Declining membership by the 1990s caused the sale of this hall, with the Northgate Lodge transferring its activities to Sandgate’s Northside Masonic Centre.
Brisbane City Council, Heritage Register Summary,
QSA. QSA Series 1690 Civic Survey of the City of Brisbane – AIAG2 Series. 4 chains to the inch. City of Brisbane, civic survey maps. Sheet 24, 4 chains to an inch. annotated with details of sales. 618944