Old Yarranlea State School

Stage Number: MBSH.03.09.06

Group: Southern

Local Study Area: Mount Gravatt-Mount Gravatt East

Epoch: Late 20th Century

Street Address: 195 Mt Grattan Rd. Mt Gravatt

Latitude & Longitude: -27.54325278,153.06546667

Time Link: 1980

Map Link: 1980

Image Time Point: 1980

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Built 1888. Yarranlea is a township near Pittsworth. It opened a school in 1888. The school closed in 1977. In 1979, it was trucked to Brisbane and relocated at the Mt. Gravatt Teacher’s College. From 1980. it was used as a museum, where student teachers and city pupils could spend a schoolday ‘experiencing’ a country school environment. By 1987, it had been incorporated into the M.G.T.C. curriculum to prepare its graduates for country service. After the Teacher’s College campus was incorporated (1990) into Griffith University, Old Yarranlea School was retained as a teaching tool run via a 1994 agreement with the Queensland Education Department. The Department closed the school in 2013. It reopened as a private school in 2014. It is unique as Brisbane’s only one-teacher school.


Education Queensland urged to save Old Yarranlea School, http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/queensland/education-queensland-urged-to-save-old-yarranlea-school-20130722-2qewa.html

Image Citations

Map References

Qimagery. Brisbane East 1980. Scale: 1:9,300.