Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School

Stage Number: MBSH.02.10.33

Group: Southern

Local Study Area: Sunnybank-Banoon

Epoch: Late 20th Century

Street Address: 23 Shearwin Street

Latitude & Longitude: -27.58177222,153.06121389

Time Link: 1952

Map Link: 1951

Image Time Point: 1951

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Our Lady of Lourdes School was opened in an army hut in 1952 along Mains Road. The Sisters of St Joseph originally administered the school, and travelled from Moorooka by train to their place of work until the Convent was built in March 1957. The first lay principal was appointed in 1983. It was an era of expansion for parish schools in the Brisbane Archdiocese. Even before the Goulburn Schools Strike of July 1962, there was a renewed confidence that the battle to regain ‘State Aid’ (government funding) for the Catholic and other denominational sectors of education would succeed. The success did come, providing a small boost for parish schools, however, much more federal funding was earmarked for secondary education in line with the Menzies Government’s concern to greatly improve the position of Australian science education.


Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School website (http://www.ourladyoflourdes.qld.edu.au/), sighted 29 August 2013.

Image Citations

Map References

Qimagery. Greater Brisbane Area 1951. Scale: 1:16,000.