Stage Number: MBSH.03.01.55
Group: Southern
Local Study Area: West End-South Brisbane-North Woolloongabba
Epoch: Late 19th Century
Street Address: 647 Stanley St, Woolloongabba
Latitude & Longitude: -27.48607222,153.03053333
Time Link: 1889
Map Link: 1889
Image Time Point: 1889
Built 1889-90, the architect was Richard Gailey. Mine owner William Davies had a row of 6 two-storey shops was built along Stanley Street, in what was becoming Wooloongabba’s retail precinct. The damaging 1893 Flood caused a decline to the fortunes of this ‘Gabba’ precinct. In the mid-1920s, the buildings were sold to Lebanese migrant George Malouf. Drapers, Malouf’s family (descendant is author David Malouf) and used two shops for ‘Malouf’s Fashion House’.
Brisbane City Council, Exploring the City of South Brisbane: Heritage Trail Series No.11, (Brisbane, BCC, c1999)
QSA. QSA Series ID 2043 City of Brisbane and Suburbs Maps – A1A Series. 8 chains to the inch. Plan of the City of Brisbane and suburbs according to the original Crown Grants. 8 chains to the inch. Survey Office, Brisbane.. 634511