Stage Number: MBSH.02.03.02
Group: Southern
Local Study Area: Yeronga
Epoch: Early 20th Century
Street Address: 23 Riverview PI and 7 and 20 Heritage Cl. Yeronga
Latitude & Longitude: -27.514925,153.00511389
Time Link: 1943
Map Link: 1946
Image Time Point: 1946
Built 1889 for businessman William Williams, the architect was Andrea Stombuco. Salvation Army leased it from 1897 for Yeronga Girls Industrial School and bought it in 1907 for orphanage use. Requisition in 1942 (WWII) for the 27th Australian Womens’ Army Service (AWAS) barracks. In 1943, it was converted into No.2 AWAS Hospital, holding 160 patients. Army facilities (plan: 7 June 1943) were completed by June 1944. Admissions Building/Regimental Aid Post (RAP),Wards, Operating Theatre, morgue and sewerage plant built in the grounds. ‘Rhyndarra’ became administration offices. At war’s end (1945), the hospital did medical checks, before women were demobbed. Army bought the site in 1946 for continued use as a hospital.
Discover Queensland at war,
Qimagery. Brisbane City Council Series 1946. Scale: 1:15,900.