Runcorn Progress Association Hall

Runcorn Progress Association Hall

Stage Number: MBSH.03.12.01

Group: Southern

Local Study Area: Sunnybank (East of Mains Road)-Runcorn

Epoch: Early 20th Century

Street Address: 21 Nathan Rd. Runcorn

Latitude & Longitude: -27.59125278,153.06910278

Time Link: 1926

Map Link: 1936

Image Time Point: 1936

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Built 1925-26. The area’s farming community saw the need for a Progress Association Hall, as the 1901 School was becoming over-used, due to increasing enrolments from Sunnybank, which had no school. The two areas rivaled to see which would built a community hall first. It was a tie. Runcorn chose a Progress Association Hall, rather than a School of Arts. It peformed the same role, except without a library. The newly-formed Runcorn Progress Association fundraised to buy one acre from the fertilizer bonemill of Clazy, Main, Smith and Co. Th Hall became the center of many community activities including dances, commemorative celebrations and lectures.


Beryl Roberts, Runcorn Heritage Trail, (Brisbane: Runcorn State School, 1990); Brisbane City Council, HERITAGE REGISTER SUMMARY,

Image Citations

Runcorn Progress Association Hall. Brisbane City Archives. BCC-B120-81163

Map References

Qimagery. Brisbane 1936. Scale: 1:11,000.