Stage Number: MBSH.03.12.03
Group: Southern
Local Study Area: Sunnybank (East of Mains Road)-Runcorn
Epoch: Early 20th Century
Street Address: 646 Beenleigh Rd. Sunnylxmk
Latitude & Longitude: -27.58788333,153.06162222
Time Link: 1901
Map Link: TBA
Image Time Point: TBA
Built 1901. It opened on 8 July 1901 with 26 students. It began as a provisional school funded by the local farming communities of Sunnybank and Runcorn and built by J. Lather. The School gained state school status in 1909. The shade trees around the school grounds were planted by pupils for the annual Arbor Day commemoration each 1 May. The School was the centre of community activities, including the Runcorn Tennis Club, until 1926. Thereafter, it shared its role as a community venue with the new Runcorn Progress Association Hall and Sunnybank School of Arts.
Beryl Roberts, Runcorn Heritage Trail, (Brisbane: Runcorn State School, 1990); Brisbane City Council, HERITAGE REGISTER SUMMARY,
Runcorn State School, April 1951. Queensland State Archives. QSA 1084412
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