Seventeen Mile Rocks School

Stage Number: MBSH.05.04.01

Group: Western

Local Study Area: Jindalee- Sinnamon Park- Mount Ommaney-Westlake

Epoch: Late 19th Century

Street Address: 693 Seventeen Mile Rocks Rd, Sinnamon Park

Latitude & Longitude: -27.53752778,152.95075556

Time Link: 1878

Map Link: TBA

Image Time Point: TBA

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Built 1877. This one-teacher school opened on Goggs Rd in 1887 to replace a temporary (1870) school. A teacher’s residence, playshed and separate boys and girls water closets were built. Serving a small farming community, it struggled with pupil numbers and sometimes faced closure. It was closed during World War II. Reopened postwar, it remained a venue for public lectures, dances and as a polling booth. The School finally closed in 1965. It then became the Jindalee District Girl Guide Hut. In 1966, Seventeen Mile Rocks Rd was extended to the new suburb of Jindalee so forcing the School’s removal. Sir Hercules Sinnamon bought the classroom building and relocatted onto his poneering family’s farm, where it became part of the Sinnamon Farm heritage precinct.


Department of Enviroment and Heritage Protection, Queensland Heritage Register citation No.600237; Centenary Suburbs Historical Society, Seventeen Mile Rocks Road School – School no.98,

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