Shafston House

Stage Number: MBSH.03.02.12

Group: Southern

Local Study Area: Kangaroo Point-East Brisbane

Epoch: Early 19th Century

Street Address: 23 Castlebar St. Kangaroo Point

Latitude & Longitude: -27.47595,153.03998889

Time Link: 1851

Map Link: 1858

Image Time Point: 1858

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Built 1851-52. Rev. Robert Creyke bought 10.5 acres here in 1851 and began building his home ‘Ravenscot’. In 1852, Henry Russell bought the property, added 34 acres and renamed it ‘Shafston’, after his wife’s Jamacian birthplace. Capt. Louis Hope bought it in 1859 and rented it to prominent citizens (e.g. Queensland Parliametary Speaker Gilbert Elliot, solicitor Daniel Foley, Dr. Henry Challinor, grazier William Barker). After 1873, Hope sub-divided his land into many town lots. Reduced to 4 acres, Shafston sold in 1892 to Mary Foster, who had the house redesigned by architect F.D.G. Stanley to reflect a Yorkshire Manor. It was the Kindergarden Training College (1913-19). Bought by the Commonwealth, after WW, for a services rehabilitation home, it was renamed ANZAC House. Transferred to the RAAF (1969-87).


Carol McMullen, Walk into History – A History of Kangaroo Point, (Brisbane: Queensland Women’s Historical Association, c1970s); Kangaroo Point Neighbourhood Watch, Kangaroo Point Heritage Walk from Riverlife to Citylife, (Brisbane: Brisbane City Council, 2010); ; Discover Queensland at war,

Image Citations

Map References

SLQ. New South Wales. Surveyor-General. The Town & Environs of Brisbane, County of Stanley, N.S.W., 1858 Surveyor General. New South Wales]: Surveyor Generals Office, 1858. M 841.12 1858 00007 E