Stage Number: MBSH.03.02.30
Group: Southern
Local Study Area: Kangaroo Point-East Brisbane
Epoch: Early 19th Century
Street Address: Mowbray Park and Thorn Street/ Park Avenue area, Kangaroo Point
Latitude & Longitude: -27.47808333,153.04277778
Time Link: 1823
Map Link: 1842
Image Time Point: 1842
Aboriginal Camp and some-time women’s fighting area into the 1890s. In the 1880s it was a blanket distribution point for Aboriginals during the Queen’s Birthday celebrations. Conrad Martens painted this Camp in the 1850s.
Ray Kerkhove, 2015, Aboriginal Campsites of Greater Brisbane (Salisbury: Boolarong), 118.
SLQ. First Survey of Crown Lands in the Moreton Bay District, 1842, by Surveyor Henry Wade.Brisbane, 1842. RBM 841.16 1842 00013 E