Stage Number: MBSH.02.01.23
Group: Southern
Local Study Area: Dutton Park-South Woolloongabba-Buranda
Epoch: Late 20th Century
Street Address: Ipswich Road, Woolloongabba
Latitude & Longitude: -27.49911111,153.03397222
Time Link: 1956
Map Link: 1962
Image Time Point: 1962
The South Brisbane Hospital formally opened on 26 August 1956. It was a redevelopment, going back to the Diamantina Hospital for Chronic Diseases (which opened in 1901) into a modern general medical facility. With the earlier construction of the two new brick buildings in 1947 and 1948, the site had been redesignated the South Brisbane Auxiliary Hospital (from 1943) under the authority of the Brisbane Hospitals Board. The accommodation building for the nurses was completed in 1958. In the 1959 the hospital administration separated under the designated authority of the South Brisbane Hospitals Board. In May 1960 site was renamed Princess Alexandra Hospital, commonly referred in the local lingo as ‘the PA’.
Kowald, Margaret. with Val Donovan, Ruth Kerr, Kay Cohen, Lyndsay Smith, and Jean Stewart. Lost Brisbane and Surrounding Areas: The Later Years. Volume 2. RHSQ. 2016 page 83
QSA. QSA Series ID 2043 City of Brisbane and Suburbs Maps – A1A Series. 16 chains to the inch. Brisbane, Central part, showing main business area and inner suburbs, public utilities, churches, theatres etc.16 chains to the inch. Survey Office, Brisbane. 634636