St. Margaret's School

Stage Number: MBNH.10.01.11

Group: Old Town & River

Local Study Area: Clayfield-Albion-Hamilton

Epoch: Early 20th Century

Street Address: 22 Lapraik St, Ascot

Latitude & Longitude: -27.42905556,153.04883333

Time Link: 1910

Map Link: 1911

Image Time Point: 1911

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St. Margaret’s School was opened in 1910, Architect: Robert Ferguson. Anglican Sisters of the Society of the Advent acquired Patrick Durack’s home ‘Maryview’ (biilt 1885-86) in 1910 for their new girl’s boarding school, named St Margaret’s. The Sisters’ Chapel was built in 1914. In 1918, Andrew Petrie’s neighbouring home ‘Mooloomburram’ (built 1886) was bought for a boarding house.


Brisbane City Council, Heritage Register Summary,

Image Citations

Map References

MLMS. 40 chain AG2 series 1887–1932—Moreton district. 40 chains to 1 inch. Moreton 40 Chain map AG2 series sheet 2 west. AG2