St Sebastian's Church & School

Stage Number: MBSH.02.03.11

Group: Southern

Local Study Area: Yeronga

Epoch: Early 20th Century

Street Address: 141 Kadiumba St, Yeronga

Latitude & Longitude: -27.51369444,153.01055556

Time Link: 1937

Map Link: 1936

Image Time Point: 1936

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This Catholic spiritual and educational precinct was another of Archbishop James Duhig’s interwar construction program. The aim was to provide a Catholic building presence in each of Brisbane’s new post-WWI suburbs. The Yeronga part of this program of ‘Duhig the Builder’ was unusual, as the church and school buildings were constructed at the same time, during the Great Depression (1929-39). The norm, due to the Depression’s effect on finances, was to build the church first and the school later. Thus the consecration and opening of the St Sebastian’s precinct in 1937 was unusual or the time.


Brisbane City Council, Heritage Register Summary,

Image Citations

Map References

Qimagery. Brisbane 1936. Scale: 1:11,000.