Stage Number: MBSH.02.02.07
Group: Southern
Local Study Area: West End-South Brisbane-North Woolloongabba
Epoch: Early 19th Century
Street Address: Victoria Bridge, South Brisbane
Latitude & Longitude: -27.47400833,153.01993889
Time Link: 1839
Map Link: 1842
Image Time Point: 1842
Very little is known about the original convict-Limestone road, however, it is the first non-indigenous pathway on the Brisbane Southside. New evidence in the pathway of the original Limestone-Brisbane road comes from the Stapylton survey map of October 1839. It didn’t followed the ridge line (as once assumed), but rather skirted over to Norman Creek, and only joining the rise at what is now the Chardons Corner end of Annerley.
New evidence in the pathway of the original Limestone-Brisbane road comes from the Stapylton survey map of October 1839. Lands Museum. M1076.4; Fred Clark, Noel Hall, Noel Wallis, Jim Williamson, and Ted Dunlop. Ipswich road 1839-2005 : the history of the Brisbane to Ipswich road and its current route with references to early surveyors and coach transport. Richlands, Inala and Suburbs History Group, 2005. pp. 4-9.
Selected Portion. Granville Stapylton. Survey of Limestone to Brisbane Road. 1839. Lands Museum.
SLQ. First Survey of Crown Lands in the Moreton Bay District, 1842, by Surveyor Henry Wade.Brisbane, 1842. RBM 841.16 1842 00013 E