Station Master’s House

Station Master’s House

Stage Number: MBSH.02.10.25

Group: Southern

Local Study Area: Sunnybank-Banoon

Epoch: Early 20th Century

Street Address: 133 Young Street

Latitude & Longitude: -27.57718056,153.05347222

Time Link: 1910

Map Link: TBA

Image Time Point: TBA

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The role of Railway Station Master had a much more distinguished position in the local community in this era than it had since the mid-twentieth century. In an era of poor road conditions and fewer motorists, the railway station was the main transport and communication hub. Mr Young, the Sunnybank station master, had a bush house of beautiful ferns and orchids, many of which were used to beautify the station. Two Book Pines had been planted on each end of the station in 1910 (?) to commemorate the crowning of King George V and Queen Mary.


Stable Swamp Creek – Southern Arm Sunnybank Catchment and Heritage Walk, Coopers Plains Local History Group, 2006, p. 1; Young’s Residence. Brisbane City Council Heritage Register.

Image Citations

Young’s Residence. Brisbane City Council Heritage Registrar.

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