Stage Number: MBSH.03.02.19
Group: Southern
Local Study Area: Kangaroo Point-East Brisbane
Epoch: Early 20th Century
Street Address: Bradfield Highway. Kangaroo Point (also Fortitude Valley)
Latitude & Longitude: -27.46526111,153.03576111
Time Link: 1940
Map Link: 1942
Image Time Point: 1942
Built 1935-40, the architect was James Holt. As a Great Depression work relief project it employed 400 people, under a Queensland consortium of Evan Deakins-Hornibrook. Steel girders were made at Rocklea. First named the Jubilee Bridge after King George V but he died before completion so renamed (J.D.)Story Bridge, after the head of the Queensland public service. Opened on 6 July 1940 and twin air raid shelters added underneath in 1942. A toll bridge, which ended in 1947, thanks to the tolls paid by U.S. forces in WWII. Kemp Place (north entrance) and Bradfield Highway (south entrance) named after the Bridge Board Chairman and the Chief Engineer. Bradfield built the Sydney Harbour Bridge (1932) but Brisbane got Australia’s largest span (282 metres) metal truss bridge.
Kangaroo Point Neighbourhood Watch, Kangaroo Point Heritage Walk from Riverlife to Citylife, (Brisbane: Brisbane City Council, 2010); Carol McMullen, Walk into History – A History of Kangaroo Point, (Brisbane: Queensland Women’s Historical Association, c1970s); Discover Queensland at war,
Qimagery. Brisbane River 1942. Scale: 1:7,200.