Sunnybank Hotel

Stage Number: MBSH.02.10.38

Group: Southern

Local Study Area: Sunnybank-Banoon

Epoch: Late 20th Century

Street Address: 306 Mains Road

Latitude & Longitude: -27.57261111,153.06346389

Time Link: 1960

Map Link: 1960

Image Time Point: 1960

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Sunnybank Hotel Motel opened on the site of McCullough’s former farm in 1960. The Sunnybank Hotel-Motel was designed in a ranch-style to fit in with the semi-rural look of the area at that time.


Paddocks to Pavements: Railway Centenary, Sunnybank 1885-1985. S.S.H.S. P&C Assoc. 1985. p. 51.

Image Citations

Map References

Qimagery. Greater Brisbane 1960. Scale: 1:16,000.