Taringa East Post Office

Stage Number: MBNH.07.02.67

Group: Western

Local Study Area: Toowong-St Lucia-Indooroopilly

Epoch: Late 20th Century

Street Address: Gailey Fiveways, Taringa-St. Lucia

Latitude & Longitude: -27.49747222,152.99066667

Time Link: 1946

Map Link: 1946

Image Time Point: 1946

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The Taringa East Post Office was a purpose-built new post office as an extension to a 1940s redevelopment of shops by owner Dr C.N. Sinnamon. At the time, there was resistance to proposal from Taringa residents who feared loss of ‘status’ of Taringa Village Post Office. The new post office operated until 1977.


SLHG Papers: 07 Posties Cops and Ferrymen

Image Citations

Map References

Qimagery. Brisbane City Council Series 1946. Scale: 1:15,900.