Stage Number: MBSH.05.02.05
Group: Western
Local Study Area: Corinda-Oxley
Epoch: Late 19th Century
Street Address: 44 Cliveden Ave. Oxley
Latitude & Longitude: -27.54594167,152.96643056
Time Link: 1875
Map Link: 1876
Image Time Point: 1876
Built 1875. This area opened for sale in the 1860’s, with Henry Lucock buying this riverside land. In 1873, Henry ‘Scammy’ Coxen bought the site from Lucock and he built his residence ‘The Fort’ atop a hill, overlooking Fig Tree Pocket. He named it after an Bombay, India fort.His nickname came from a disabled right hand. A successful pastoralist, Coxen established ‘Jondaryan Station’. In 1906, policeman Thomas Corkran bought ‘The Fort’. The Roman Catholic Passionists Order bought it in 1955 for a monastery. It opened in August 1956 as ‘Regina Coeli Retreat’. It was later renamed ‘St. Mary’s Retreat’. From 1958-72, two cannons (ex-Fort Lytton) marked the Retreat’s entrance. Its address is now 219 Fort Rd.
Secret Brisbane – HISTORY, PEOPLE, PLACES, Tracing the history of the Fort,; The Passionists, St Mary’s Retreat Oxley,
QSA. QSA Series ID 1015 Moreton District 20 Chain Maps – AG3. 20 chains to the inch. Parish of Oxley, County of Stanley. 532954