USN Commissioned Officers Club Mess

Stage Number: MBNH.09.03.21

Group: Old Town & River

Local Study Area: Fortitude Valley-New Farm-Newstead

Epoch: Early 20th Century

Street Address: 42 Oxlade Drive, New Farm

Latitude & Longitude: -27.47227778,153.05066667

Time Link: 1943

Map Link: 1946

Image Time Point: 1946

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The USN acquired vacant riverside land from the Brisbane City Council, taking possession on 4 November 1943. The Mess was staffed by three US Navy personnel and 17 civilians. Facilities included two 35mm film projectors and a projection booth. The site was tastefully landscaped and quickly became a wartime Brisbane showplace. The US Navy ceased activities at the property on 23 June 1945.


Queensland WWII Historic Places Website

Image Citations

Map References

Qimagery. Brisbane City Council Series 1946. Scale: 1:15,900.