Stage Number: MBNH.11.03.13
Group: Northern
Local Study Area: Chermside-Wavell Heights-Kedron-Nundah
Epoch: Late 19th Century
Street Address: 992 Gympie Rd, Chermside
Latitude & Longitude: -27.37902778,153.02897222
Time Link: 1897
Map Link: 1904
Image Time Point: 1904
Vellnagel’s Blacksmith was built in c1897. German migrant August Vellnagel established his blacksmith shop from this site, but in 1921, the family were forced to move the building across the road and relocate their business to make way for the new WWI commemorative of Marchant Park. Vellnagels closed in 2006 but their shops remain a Gympie Road landmark.
Brisbane City Council, Heritage Register Summary,
MLMS. 8 chain series 1904–1917—Brisbane. 8 chains to the inch. Cadastral map of Brisbane and Suburbs sheet 2. MLMS 8 Chain