Walter Taylor's Bulk Store

Stage Number: MBSH.05.01.10

Group: Western

Local Study Area: Chelmer-Graceville-Sherwood

Epoch: Early 20th Century

Street Address: 11 Rakeevan Rd. Graceville

Latitude & Longitude: -27.52073889,152.97510833

Time Link: 1926

Map Link: 1926

Image Time Point: 1926

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Built Circa 1926, the architect was Walter Taylor. This brick commercial building, with its decorative façade was placed around the corner from the Graceville Railway Station (1916). Taylor was a prominent architect, who lived at Graceville. He was active in the community, particularly with the Methodist church. He took mostly non-private contracts but the few homes that he designed were in Graceville. He designed a (60 x 30 x 5cm) concrete block for external venneer use. These blocks were made here at his Bulk Store workshop.


MISCELLANEOUS in The Brisbane Courier, 23 March 1927, p.11; Living in the Shires Spring edition 2014,

Image Citations

Map References

QSA. QSA Series 1748 Moreton District, County of Stanley Maps – A1 Series. 1 chain to the inch. Memorial Park Estate, Graceville, being subdivisions of Port 15, two resubdivisions A of Subdivisions 52­81,153-165, Parish of Oxley, County of Stanley for sale by Realty Development Co Ltd. 1 chains/inch. H James, Lithographers, Queen St, Brisbane. 620605