Wynnum Old City Hall Fountain

Stage Number: MBSH.04.02.27

Group: Eastern & Bay

Local Study Area: Wynnum-Wynnum West-Manly-Lota-Manly West

Epoch: Late 20th Century

Street Address: Preston Rd, Wondall Rd, Worthing St and West Ave intersection, Wynnum West

Latitude & Longitude: -27.45432778,153.16713611

Time Link: 1969

Map Link: 1969

Image Time Point: 1969

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Built 1929. This fountain was placed in Albert Square (now King George Square) between Albert Street and the from the imposing stone steps that led to the Brisbane City Hall main entrance foyer. As City Hall was built from 1920-29, it is assumed that the fountain was a late build. When Albert Square was remodeled into King George Square with its unnderground carpark, the fountain had to be moved. It was relocated to a major Wynnum West roundabout in 1969.


Your Brisbane: Past and Present, King George Square, http://www.yourbrisbanepastandpresent.com/2009/12/king-george-square.html

Image Citations

Map References

Qimagery. Brisbane 1969. Scale: 1:85,000.