Yeronga State School

Stage Number: MBSH.02.02.19

Group: Southern

Local Study Area: Fairfield-Annerley

Epoch: Late 19th Century

Street Address: 122 Park Road

Latitude & Longitude: -27.518925,153.01974167

Time Link: 1867

Map Link: 1856

Image Time Point: 1856

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A semi-private Yeerongpilly school was opened in 1867 by John Challinor Andrews, and when Andrews died the following year, it continued with provisional status. In 1871 this existing institution of learning opened as a government school, known as Boggo National School. Now named Yeronga State School, the site was not that close to the Boggo village; situated at a mile or so away at the south-west edge of the ridge’s plateau. During the early twentieth century, one of the leading headmasters at Yeronga State School was Antony St. Ledger, who was elected to the Australian Senate in 1906.


Ros Gillespie. Boggo, Yeronga, and Beyond, Leaving Footprints, Making Pathways. Yeronga State School, The Story of 125 Years: a school, a community and a locality. Yeronga State School, 1996. pp. 10-13;, sighted 9 April 2013.

Image Citations

In the playground at Yeronga State School, 1923. John Oxley Library, State Library of Queensland. 106328.

Map References

QSA. QSA Series ID 4314, Survey Plans, Charts and Maps of Moreton Bay Settlement and Queensland. 8 chains to the inch. Proposed road through Parish of Yerrongpilly by Surveyor Galloway, 1856. 8 chains to an inch.. 714328