Stage Number: MBNH.11.05.02
Group: Northern
Local Study Area: Taigum-Zillmere-Aspley-Geebung
Epoch: Early 19th Century
Street Address: Nutta Factory\' (Mungo Scott Park) and 120 Handford Road, Zillmere
Latitude & Longitude: -27.35361111,153.03894444
Time Link: 1823
Map Link: 1863
Image Time Point: 1863
This Camp and Corroboree Ground was near Cabbage Tree Creek and under the shade of trees. The Corroborees were held along the creek itself. The area was used into the 1880s and possibly later.
Ray Kerkhove, 2015, Aboriginal Campsites of Greater Brisbane (Salisbury: Boolarong), 189.
QSA. QSA Series 1748 Moreton District, County of Stanley Maps – A1 Series. 10 chains to the inch. Quarter Map – Plan of Portions for sale at the German Station, Parish of Toombul, County of Stanley showing burial ground. 10 chains to the inch. Survey Office, Brisbane. 620226