Stage Number: MBSH.03.12.04
Group: Southern
Local Study Area: Sunnybank (East of Mains Road)-Runcorn
Epoch: Early 20th Century
Street Address: Bonemill Road, Runcorn
Latitude & Longitude: -27.59097222,153.07552778
Time Link: 1932
Map Link: 1934
Image Time Point: 1934
Carrying on the tradition of the earlier Runcorn bone mill of Clazy, Main and Smith, a bone crushing plant was established here in 1915 by the Shearer brothers Jim, John and Bruce, owners of Australian Cooperative Fertilizers Ltd. The company was a co-operative, with farmer shareholders receiving a dividend from their invested capital, and an annual rebate on their purchases from the company. A family member – William Geddes Shearer – was killed in an accident at the mill in 1921, when he was caught up in some machinery. ACF amalgamated with Shirley’s Fertilizers Pty Ltd of Sydney in 1928, and thrived with the increased use of fertilisers by canegrowers in Queensland. The Runcorn facility was redeveloped in 1932, with storage capacity of 3,000 tons and a manufacturing capacity of 200-300 tons of fertilizer each week.
The Telegraph, 15 June 1932; Ian Carnell, Saint Andrew’s Uniting Church, Stories From the honour Boards, Booklet Number 167, ‘Shearer Brothers Donald Sinclair 1880 – 1937 James Hutchison 1883 – 1975’, 2017; The Telegraph,7 November 1921.
Bagging fertiliser at the ACF and Shirley factory, circa 1930. Saint Andrew’s Uniting Church, Stories From the honour Boards, Booklet Number 167, ‘Shearer Brothers Donald Sinclair 1880 – 1937 James Hutchison 1883 – 1975’, 2017.
QSA. QSA Series ID 2058 Moreton District Maps – A Series. 4 miles to the inch. Moreton District. 4miles to the inch. Survey Office, Brisbane.. 634883