Padua College

Padua College

Name: Padua College

Group: Institutional Location

Type: Educational College (Secondary)

Years at Location: 1956-Current

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The College’s Motto is Latin: ‘Deus Meus et Omnia’ (My God and My All). Students of the college are known in the community as ‘Paduans’.

Impact on Brisbane Society

Padua College began in 1956 by friars of the Kedron parish, at the request of the Franciscan Sisters who ran the parish primary school of St Anthony. The name derives from Franciscan friar Saint Anthony of Padua (1195-1231), appointed by St Francis as the first professor of theology for the friars. The first Rector was Father Damian Nolan.


Padua College Retrieved on 7 June 2019

Boyd-Boland, John. On a Cragged Hill: Padua College 1956-2006, the College, Kedron, Qld, 2006.

Image Citations

The Franciscan Friars took possession of Kedron parish on the evening of 12th June 1929. Kedron’s Little Flower Church. St Therese & St Anthony Parish. []