Stage Number: MBSH.05.01.13
Group: Western
Local Study Area: Chelmer-Graceville-Sherwood
Epoch: Late 19th Century
Street Address: 533 Sherwood Rd, Sherwood
Latitude & Longitude: -27.53263056,152.98768611
Time Link: 1872
Map Link: 1884
Image Time Point: 1884
Opened circa 1872. St Mathew’s Anglican Church was founded in 1869 and completed in 1874, beside Rocklea (now Sherwood) Rd. The church and adjacent cemetery (beside Oxley Creek) were dedicated in 1874 but the cemetery’s earliest headstone is from 1872. The church burnt down on 27 September 1921 but the cemetery remained open. It has pioneers’ graves, a cremation columbarium wall and a lawn cemetery. It contains the (1902) Berry and MacFarlane Monument that is one of only two Boer War memorials in Brisbane.
Australian Cemeteries Index, Cemetery 177 – Sherwood Anglican,, Department of Enviroment and Heritage Protection, Queensland Heritage Register citation No.600292
QSA. QSA Series ID 2043 City of Brisbane and Suburbs Maps – A1A Series. 5 chains to the inch. City of Brisbane. 5 chains to the inch. Government Engraving, and Lithographic Office, Brisbane.. 634496