During 2017-2018 the MBH Team conducted consultative meetings with local history groups across Brisbane. This consultation process produce over 200 local history sites databased.
A Master Copy of multiple MBH Data spreadsheets (the most updated file) was developed and translated to the website MBH mapping program. The process included integrating over 800 heritage sites from the Brisbane City Council Heritage Register, as well as over 500 lost sites identified by the Royal Historical of Queensland Society in the two ‘Lost Brisbane’ volumes.
Furthermore, a map collection database was produced with 12,312 records of map and aerial photographic references sorted into the LSA with map years indicated and searchable by parish, town and suburb names.
A Griffith University student, as an intern for the project, sought out the same relevant information on sites from marginal communities Aboriginal, migrant, working poor, unrecognized women’s achievements, etc. to ensure the project was not reestablishing a narrow masculine AngloCeltic narrative.
Data and organised historical significant descriptions for the Brisbane Northside were developed. The local study program design had been completed with 39 southside study areas, and 25 northside areas, a total across Brisbane of 64 study areas.