Mary McConnel School of Early Childhood

Name: Mary McConnel School of Early Childhood

Time: 2003 - Current

Epoch: Early 21st Century

Category: Private Tertiary Early Childhood School

Institution Category: Education

Institution Group: Tertiary

Coordinates: -27.4760585, 153.0396916

Street Address: 46 Thorn St, Kangaroo Point QLD 4169

Suburb: Kangaroo Point

Sector: Independent \'Private\'

Local Study Area: Kangaroo Point-East Brisbane

Study Stage: MBSH Stage 3 Local Study Areas

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Further research is underway.

Geographic Description 1: Inside The Green Belt

Geographic Description 2: Brisbane River

Geographic Description 3: Flood Plains; Ridgeline (Steep); Major River Penninsula


Further research is underway.

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