Seven Hills Art College

Seven Hills Art College

Name: Seven Hills Art College

Time: -

Epoch: Late 20th Century

Category: State Art College

Institution Category: Education

Institution Group: Tertiary

Coordinates: -27.4775044, 153.0734852

Street Address: 28 Tallowwood St, Seven Hills QLD 4170

Suburb: Seven Hills

Sector: State

Local Study Area: Norman Park-Seven-Hills-Camp Hill

Study Stage: MBSH Stage 3 Local Study Areas

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Seven Hills Art College came about with the relocation, in 1974, of the Technical School of Visual Art as incorporated into the Brisbane Central Technical College in 1898. The College had been established by its Art Master, Godfrey Rivers, a graduate of the Slade School in London and a painter of international repute. In 1970, painter and critic Alan Warren was appointed director and quickly established a dedicated library and a broader curriculum. Under Warren, the curriculum grew to encompass new media such as printmaking, ceramics and gold and silver-smithing. Film and television and later animation were developed from electives to complete courses. The first Diploma of Arts qualification in Queensland was introduced in 1976.

Geographic Description 1: Inside The Green Belt

Geographic Description 2: [No significant waterways]

Geographic Description 3: Hills; Ridgelines (Short)


Noel Quirke. Preparing for the Future: A History of Griffith University, 1971-1996 . Nathan, Griffith University: Boolarong Press, 1996

Image Citations

Richards, Mick. (n.d.). Ray Bettie and Bob Mercer at Queensland College of Art, Seven Hills, 1993, SLQ Collection reference: 31520 Mick Richards portrait photographs of Queensland artists.