Stage Number: MBSH.05.01.22
Group: Western
Local Study Area: Chelmer-Graceville-Sherwood
Epoch: Late 19th Century
Street Address: 140 Honour Avenue, Chelmer
Latitude & Longitude: -27.51208333,152.97288889
Time Link: 1881
Map Link: 1884
Image Time Point: 1884
The Chelmer Railway Station opened in 1881 as a stopping place, and in 1884 as an earth platform. Facilities were not constructed until 1889. A new station opened in 1913.
Kowald, Margaret. with Val Donovan, Ruth Kerr, Kay Cohen, Lyndsay Smith, and Jean Stewart. Lost Brisbane and Surrounding Areas: The Later Years. Volume 2. RHSQ. 2016 page 299
QSA. QSA Series ID 2043 City of Brisbane and Suburbs Maps – A1A Series. 5 chains to the inch. City of Brisbane. 5 chains to the inch. Government Engraving, and Lithographic Office, Brisbane.. 634496