Convict Outpost

Convict Outpost

Stage Number: MBSH.02.08.03

Group: Southern

Local Study Area: Coopers Plains-Robertson

Epoch: Early 19th Century

Street Address: Crossing point of Musgrave Road over Stable Swamp Creek, Acacia Ridge

Latitude & Longitude: -27.56177778,153.02897222

Time Link: 1826

Map Link: 1839

Image Time Point: 1839

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A small convict outpost was built here in 1826 for road gangs working on the development of the main track from Brisbane to Limestone (Ipswich). During the 1830s, a convict-staffed cattle station was established in this area (then known as Cowper’s Plains), supplying meat for the Moreton Bay Penal Settlement.


Beryl Roberts, ‘Naming Brisbane’, Brisbane, B. Roberts, 2013, p.7.

Image Citations

A chain gang, convicts going to work near Sydney, New South Wales, by Edward Backhouse, Edward, 1843. National Library of Australia. nla.obj-138467409.

Map References

Granville Stapylton. Survey of Limestone to Brisbane Road. 1839. Lands Museum