Jones Corner Shop

Jones Corner Shop

Stage Number: MBSH.02.02.27

Group: Southern

Local Study Area: Fairfield-Annerley

Epoch: Early 20th Century

Street Address: 63 Waldheim Street

Latitude & Longitude: -27.51021389,153.03574444

Time Link: 1930

Map Link: 1934

Image Time Point: 1934

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The Jones Corner Shop is a surviving example of the small family store once frequented by children from a primary school, usually just across the street. William Bond Jones was the Junction Park State School caretaker by 1923, and with his wife, Winifred Nancy Ethel Jones, were living in the caretaker cottage in Gowrie Street. Mrs Jones began to sell toffee apples to the children from a small room in their cottage, and when the Stephens’ property was cut up into allotments, the Jones bought the allotment on the corner of Waldheim and Stephens Streets for a shop. It became an unofficial off-site school tuckshop. In a later era Winnie Jones would ran the shop. The small shop sold a multitude of domestic necessities, as well as treats, such as plain and cream doughnuts, and frozen oranges at 1d each. For hot food, a meat pie could be had for 3d with 1d extra for peas.


An insurance form under the name of William Bond Jones was sent to the Department of Public Instruction. QSA School Files (Correspondence) 15017 for Junction Park 1920-1924. NDB Document No. 128; Winne Kent’s memoir and Ron Noonan’s memoir in Erica Ferroff (Edited). 1988. A Century of Achievement. A History of the Centenary Committee of the Junction Park State School. Junction Park State School and the Annerley District. The Centenary Committee of the Junction Park State School. pp. 63, 65; Memoir Notes. JOL Box 10175, Record 370255, JPSS Photos & Memoir 1934-1943. NDB Document No. DSC03810.

Image Citations

Jones Corner Shop 2013. Annerley Historical Society.

Map References

QSA. QSA Series ID 2058 Moreton District Maps – A Series. 4 miles to the inch. Moreton District. 4miles to the inch. Survey Office, Brisbane.. 634883