Lister Street Shop

Stage Number: MBSH.02.10.18

Group: Southern

Local Study Area: Sunnybank-Banoon

Epoch: Early 20th Century

Street Address: 153 Lister Street

Latitude & Longitude: -27.57808056,153.05505833

Time Link: 1916

Map Link: TBA

Image Time Point: TBA

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First store opened in Lister Street, 200 yards from Mains Road – Joe McMillan in 1916. This store only sold small items – pens, pencils, writing pads, notebooks and a few biscuits and lollies. The shop did not last long. The site represents the challenges in developing a business precinct in a rural township for this era. It contrasts with the way urbanisation made the centre of Sunnybank a major business hub for Brisbane in the contemporary period, and wih the town centre shifting away from old civic area of Lister and Turton Streets to the McCullough and Mains Road intersection, a block north-westward.


This information came from an ‘Account written by a lady who had lived in Sunnybank since 1912’ – from the Sunnybank High School Archive Committee files (original Sunnybank History Group). There are no clues in the article as to the writer’s identity. BR

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