Queensland Museum (Bowen Hills)

Queensland Museum (Bowen Hills)

Name: Queensland Museum (Bowen Hills)

Group: Institutional Location

Type: Public Museum

Years at Location: 1899-1986

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Impact on Brisbane Society

The Queensland Museum was founded by the Queensland Philosophical Society on 20 January 1862. The first temporary home was The Old Windmill (1862–1869). The Bowen Hills site is the second permanent site. The Queensland Government built a home for the museum in William Street in 1879, and remained there for 20 years. In 1899, the Queensland Museum moved into the Exhibition Hall (now called the Old Museum), on Gregory Terrace. Karl Theodor Staiger was the first professional curator from 1872, until his position was taken over by Ronald Hamlyn-Harris (former science teacher at Toowoomba Grammar School). Heber Longman became the curator in 1918 and remained until 1945.


“About us” . Queensland Museum Network. Queensland Museum. Retrieved 12 November 2017.

Image Citations

Queensland Museum (Bowen Hills). Photographer: Figaro at English Wikipedia [https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=3592615]