Salvation Army Industrial Home

Salvation Army Industrial Home

Stage Number: MBSH.05.01.18

Group: Western

Local Study Area: Chelmer-Graceville-Sherwood

Epoch: Early 20th Century

Street Address: 35 Victoria Avenue, Chelmer

Latitude & Longitude: -27.50869444,152.97155556

Time Link: 1920

Map Link: TBA

Image Time Point: TBA

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The Salvation Army Home for Girls in Chelmer opened in 1920 under the State Children Act 1911. The purpose of the home was to provide an upbringing for orphans or children in care. They would of course receive religious instruction and training in domestic duties. A visitor to the home in 1923 described it as having several sewing rooms. The home also functioned as a kind of day-care centre for women who worked during the day and could not take their children to work. No State girls were placed there after 1941. By 1958, the purpose of the ‘Women’s Home’ was described as being ‘To provide a home and protection for some retarded adults, as well as elderly ladies.’ It had accommodation for 33, mainly in in dormitories, and those women capable of it were encouraged to assist with the domestic work. The fees were £2/10/- per week. The home closed in 1961


Brisbane Courier, 24 July 1920; Daily Mail, 7 February 1923; Faculty of Education, Queensland, ‘Directory of Social Services Queensland’, St Lucia: UQ Press, 1958, p.

Image Citations

Salvation Army Industrial School, Chelmer, 1920. Property Souvenir Australia: A Pictorial Review of Progress 1909-1921, Salvation Army, 1920.

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